I am a Writer right?

Chuck Wendig, the bearded writer guru and gnarly writer, published a great blog over on his kick ass blog Terrible Minds called ‘A Reminder Of What Makes A Real Writer’.  In it he makes this very true point: ‘There exists no one way to write any one thing, and as long as your writing has a starting point andContinue reading “I am a Writer right?”

You Need to Check out this Blog – How To Create Art And Make Cool Stuff In A Time Of Trouble

Hey writers Chuck Wendig put up a great blog post today on how to keep creating when the world is crazy and it’s getting to you. I highly recommend you have a read and keep the art love flowing: ‘Art is how you fight back. It’s how you take ALL THIS NOISE inside your heart andContinue reading “You Need to Check out this Blog – How To Create Art And Make Cool Stuff In A Time Of Trouble”

Let’s Stop Cannibalising Ourselves and Start Making Art

I can’t be the only one that’s noticed inflammatory shit happening in the world of writing in the last few weeks. There was Lionel Shriver’s smug speech and the subsequent uproar a.k.a. Brisbane finally gets publicity apart from Tom Hiddleston’s visit and there was also Merritt Tierce’s article in Marie Claire a.k.a the Crying StarvingContinue reading “Let’s Stop Cannibalising Ourselves and Start Making Art”